Partner with Forte Torre

Christ taught us that generosity leads to continually finding joy in giving, as it is written in Acts 20:35:

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.

We believe that everything we have, we have received from the hand of God. This is why we daily invest in training and ministry in the city of Bologna.

You can become our partner by deciding to participate financially on a regular or occasional basis in five ways:

Through Satispay

Through Paypal


By bank transfer
Beneficiary: Associazione Cristiana Evangelica Forte Torre
IBAN: IT22V0306909606100000078669

Via the donation box in the church

You will find a red box at the entrance to the main hall where you can leave your offering at your own convenience. 


5 per mille (for Italian taxpayers only)

During your tax return you can also donate your 5 × 1000 to our association by referencing the tax code: 

CF. Forte Torre 91360980378. 

Inizia a scrivere il termine ricerca qua sopra e premi invio per iniziare la ricerca. Premi ESC per annullare.