Our priorities

To reach men, women and children for Jesus Christ.

‘For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them’ (1Corinthians 9:19)

To build a comunity in Jesus Christ.

‘Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing’ (1Thessalonians 5,11)

To live in society for Jesus Christ.

‘He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised’ (2Corinthians 5,15)

Our distinctives

  • A humility before the Scriptures, as God’s timeless authoritative voice, expounded to His people.
  • A hunger to know Christ, the fellowship of His sufferings and the power of His resurrection.
  • A tangible compassion for a lost society, demonstrated in word and action.
  • A courage to live for Christ crucified when costly, declaring HIs Lordship in every area of life.
  • A commitment to be a family united in Christ across our diversity, as testimony to God’s wisdom.
  • A perseverance in private and public prayer, for the announcement of HIs Name among the nations.
  • A generosity ready to invest in one another, as living stones for works of service.
  • A vision for the maturing of Christ’s Church worldwide in the training and equipping of gospel workers.

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