Building up Our desire is to build each other up in community. Through the following activities we grow in unity of faith in Christ. FROM A FEMALE TO A WOMAN - MINISTRY AMONG WOMENMeetings of fellowship and sharing for women on a termly basis. Find out more “TORRICINE” - SUNDAY CHILDREN’S WORKDuring the service every Sunday there are games and activities for children ages 3-10 Find out more SUNDAY SERVICEOgni domenica, durante il servizio, si svolgono giochi e attività per bambini di tutte le fasce di età. Find out more CHURCH IN THE EVENINGCreates opportunity to grow as a family both in our love for Christ and in love for one another as we meet in small groups at our homes Find out more STUDENT CAFÈPDF is designed to encourage and prepare university students for life through studying the Bible Find out more MEETING FOR MENSocial time for the men of the church, eager to work side by side in the life of faith to deepen their relationships Find out more